Sunday, December 30, 2012

Nero fiddles

And we just had an election?  Don't want to say how much money I have lost in the stock market when 119,000 Floridians lost their unemployment insurance while Congress PLAYS GAMES.

Friday, December 21, 2012


An armed guard in school didn't stop Columbine.  But the NRA's solution to the massacre at Sandy Hook is an armed guard in every school.  Just what kids need to see.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Really, Mike?  What about shootings that happen in church?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Romney lost because of Obama's gifts?  He just doesn't get it.  Thank God this guy didn't win.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Slavery, anyone?

Romney actually admires this model.  Just listen to him!  He runs around on the campaign trail talking about getting tough on China.  Then he has his company having U.S. workers train their Chinese replacements in a plant that will close at the end of the year.  The hypocrisy is rich and sad.

Friday, October 12, 2012


Oh my God, these nutballs are really out there.  They could be next in line at the store.  They could be some of the people in my neighborhood with Romney yard signs.  Yikes!


This is so disgusting.  This guy is running for VP?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Big Bird

The Young Turks estimated that the savings that Sheldon Adelson could realize if Mittens were elected would fund PBS for 500 years.  Perspective.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I need a laugh


The Republicans did not like the 7.8 unemployment number so, like the polls, claim they are made up.  Did you know that Iran is developing it's own Internet?  They are tired of editing what their people can see. The Republicans can learn from Iran.  Screw science and reality when it conflicts with your worldview.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Yard Trash

When I drive anywhere in my hometown (New Smyrna Beach, FL) it is very depressing.  There are so many Romney yard signs.  I live right in the middle of Republicanville and it is very lonely.  Obama would never win in this town even though I have high hopes for the state (despite the fact that we elected a Medicare crook as governor and FL has some of the worst voter suppression in the country.  A slut can dream.).

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The stench

Ryan has a new nickname for Romney, according to Politico.  " The Stench."  Could not agree more.

Four years of this?

Can you imagine having to look at this for four years, really?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cool breeze

Brother can you spare a dime?

As you can see from this graph, lower taxes do not produce jobs regardless of the garbage spewing from the Republicans.  Facts are funny, undeniable things.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fox lies

Wouldn't it be nice to have your own network and facts?  Studies show that viewers of Fox News are less informed than those who watch no news at all.  Considering how many viewers they have, that is SCARY!  No wonder so many people think Obama is a Muslim socialist even though the stock market has doubled.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Could anything of what Obama said be construed as sympathy or an apology to the Libyans?  As I write some 500 Marines are on the way there.  I guess they are going there to apologize.

Pro-life, only in the womb

How do you justify repealing the Affordable Care Act?  How do you claim to be "pro-life" and yet be okay with letting people die?  Someone needs to explain it to me because I just don't get it.


It worked.  When you can't win on your ideas, keep people from voting.  Proud to be an American!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 Hero Dogs

Have a Heart

Someone from the Romney/Ryan Campaign or one of their voters has to volunteer to tell this mom and her daughter that the lifetime cap on insurance will be reinstated if they are elected.

9/11 Hypocrisy

Remember when we cheered firefighters?  The 9/11 rescuers had to fight way too hard to get their illnesses covered.  When did it change?  Boy after that day and today everyone was flying their American flags.  And tomorrow firefighters will go back to being greedy union scum.  U.S.A,!  U.S.A.!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Get a job, Sandra


Everybody loves firefighters but nobody likes to pay for them.  Same with cops.  The city of Camden, N.J. just laid off their entire police force.  Just before Colorado Springs practically burned to the ground, they laid off several firefighters.  A Republican friend of mine in Wyoming was so grateful to the firefighters who saved her home and animals but will still vote for Romney who does not support them.  Make any sense to you?


Paul Ryan compared liberalism to cancer.  I do not appreciate my thought processes being labeled as something that needs to be poisoned, cut out, irradiated, or in any way cured. Where does that leave room for debate?


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gabby Giffords and the R mononopoly on patriotism

So, did you cry?  I did.  A few days after Giffords was shot, I was hit, on my scooter, by an impaired driver in a truck.  Watched O's speech in AZ from my hospital bed.  So I have a special affinity to Gabby.  She inspired me through my recovery.  She inspires me today.  It took major guts to hobble across that stage.  She LOVES this country.  So does her astronaut husband.  Stop demonizing us!


Why do you lie about your marathon time Paul Ryan?  What else might you be lying about?  Why do Christians support proven liars?  Aren't you afraid of God's wrath or did you think confession would take care of it?  I can hear it now - all politicians lie.  I never thought I would see the day when I would defend Sarah Palin, but she ran a faster marathon than Ryan.


How can a woman vote for Romney/Ryan?  Do you like being able to get birth control?  Do you disagree with the concept of personhood?  Do you support Planned Parenthood?  Do you support equal pay for women?  Do you like the government defining rape?  Do you like the government getting in between you and your doctor?   Do you approve of banning in vitro fertilization (several of Romney's grandchildren were produced this way)?  Do you agree with theViolence Against Women Act?  Do you like women on the Supreme Court?  Do you want these things for your wives, daughters, sisters, selves?  Vote Obama.